For independent research - because every patient matters!

Our Solution

 We, the team of GCP Academic Research Service GmbH, want to support doctors and clinics in conducting Investigator-Initiated Trials (IITs) without sleepless nights and without the risk of violating the law!

With over 20 years of industry experience in clinical contract research, we aim to counteract the negative European trend of IITs. We care about the research landscape in Europe, and therefore, we offer our non-profit support at current market prices.

We can help you with...

- Free telephone consultation
- Proofreading of study documents or individual passages
- Gap analysis
- Organization of partial tasks such as Clinical Monitoring, Data Management, or Biostatistics
- Independent audits
- Cost-effective training sessions
- Contract review/ contract drafting
- Assumption of Sponsor and/or Co-Sponsor responsibility
- Assumption of the EU Representative role for Non-EU Sponsors of IITs

… and much more

No matter which task you delegate, your clinical trial remains your property!